Copper powder is a kind of mineral material that has a very high hardness, which is a combination of silicates and complex metal oxides that remain impurity after cooling.
In other words, it is called copper slag or sandblast sand. Mesbara is extracted from impurities in iron ore during the separation of iron in iron smelting furnaces,
which is actually a widely used synthetic byproduct. The first part of the word “sand” means sand. Various materials are used in sandblasting, including: silica sand, iron slag, ice, copper slag (grit), water (jet blast), water and sand. wet blast) each of them is used separately for different purposes.
Mesbareh is the abbreviated name of “copper slag” and actually refers to the raw materials of Mesbareh grit and is mistakenly used by the public to introduce the product.
Grit is an English word that means small (or granulated). Grit Mesbareh is a product that is produced from Mesbareh and is used for grit blasting operations.
Any operation that is done with silica sand in sandblasting can be done with higher productivity, as well as more hygienic and cost-effective by Great Mesbareh.
In the production of this company’s products (according to the ISO11126-3 standard), granulated copper slag (mesbareh) is used, which is removed from the smelting furnaces of Iran’s National Copper Company by water pressure.
Purchase and delivery to the factory Dust removal and granulation in 45 grades* under the supervision of the quality control unit Packaging (according to customer needs in 50 kg laminated bags or 2 ton jumbo bags * Grit masbareh produced by this company is first produced and supplied in 36 grades and now in 45 grades.
The type of granulation produced allows the final consumer to choose the appropriate granulation according to the required degree of cleanliness (Sa2, Sa21/2, Sa3) and the necessary profile (5-125 microns).