Garnet is a group of Bronze Age silicate minerals used as gemstones and abrasives, derived from the word granatum. They are difficult to dissolve in acids and rarely melt.
All types of garnet have similar physical properties and crystal forms that differ in chemical composition. There are different types of garnet, such as pyrope, almandine, spartite, grossula (ammonite or cinnamon stone), andranite and ovarite.
Garnet is a natural mineral abrasive.
The hardness of garnets is 5.6 to 7 mos, the density of garnets varies and basically depends on their chemical composition. This company has provided various types of green and brown garnets in order to supply all kinds of industrial abrasives. P-1 Garnet is the name of abrasive sand that is mixed with high-pressure water in the last part of the machine in the nozzle, which causes extraordinary cutting force in waterjet cutting.
It is very important and necessary to prepare suitable abrasive (garnet) for waterjet devices.
The characteristics of garnet sandblast have a direct effect on the quality and cutting time, and with the use of inappropriate abrasives, not only the cutting quality is lost, but the cutting time sometimes increases up to 1.5 times.
The cutting time is also a direct factor in the cost of the cutting operation. Therefore, using the right abrasive will directly reduce the cost of cutting. Also, the use of garnet with improper granulation causes damage to the device and causes rapid loss of nozzles. Application materials Garnet is used as jewelry. Garnet sand is used as a very good abrasive and a suitable substitute for silica in blasting operations.
By combining garnet with high pressure water, it can be used to cut steel and other materials. Sandblast garnet is a type of natural abrasive that is very hard and resistant, very dense with high specific weight and multi-faceted, which all these characteristics make it a very winning abrasive.
Non-presentation is due to the high cost or its unaffordability in general blasting operations, and it is currently used in special industries such as aircraft manufacturing and military sensitive metals, etc.
garnet The advantages of using sandblast garnet for descaling – Having a wide range of granulation and composition for different work and methods – Excellent surface profile, garnet sandblast grains create a truly uniform free profile for replacement, improvement and a good surface for coating adhesion.
– Economical, very effective, low consumption
– Non-toxic, neutral and natural
– The amount of crystalline silica is less than 10%
– Can be recycled up to 5 times
– Low amount of dust, improving the visibility of the operator – Easy cleaning
– Without reaction, it will not interfere with its coating
– No porosity, no moisture absorption Mesh 80 is mostly used for cutting metals, and mesh 90 is mostly used for cutting stone, ceramics, and glass. Other benefits:
✔ Garnet is free from toxic substances such as heavy metals, especially silica, and has the necessary standards for human health and the environment.
Garnet with low consumption, high speed, non-pollution and frequent recycling capability, is the best alternative to silica sand and slag in the sandblasting industry and is widely used all over the world.
✔ Use of garnet, half of other abrasives
Sandblast speed, 2 times
✔ 3 to 6 recycling times
No increase effect on the sandblast surface
High resistance of garnet seeds
✔ Sandblast without pollution
✔ Garnet, environmentally friendly abrasive!
Garnet, a non-metallic and non-toxic abrasive
Suitable for sandblasting all types of metals such as: steel, aluminum, carbon steel… Garnet Waterjet This type of garnet with lower mesh is used in waterjet devices for delicate and professional sandblasting of surfaces. Industrial garnet Industrial garnet is widely used in the petrochemical and marine industries and is a very good substitute for slag